Determinants of Subjective Well-Being of Migrants: A Systematic Review DOI:

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The study aims to comprehensively analyze existing literature to derive insights into the determinants of Subjective Well-being (SWB) among migrants and identify underexplored areas within the research landscape, proposing directions for future studies. Utilizing the PRISMA framework, 22 relevant peer-reviewed articles published between 2000 and 2024 were selected, excluding books, conference proceedings, and dissertations. The analysis considered factors such as publication year, geographical scope, methodology, and sector. The findings of this investigation reveal that research on migrants’ SWB is predominantly quantitative, with a significant lack of nuanced perspectives. Most studies focus on developed countries, resulting in an underrepresentation of developing regions. Further, more economic, psychological, and legal exploration is needed, particularly in diverse sectors and marginalized groups, to inform comprehensive support and policy measures. A significant contribution of this study lies in presenting a conceptual model that enriches the theoretical comprehension of the determinants influencing migrants’ SWB. It furnishes invaluable insights into the multifaceted interplay of environmental, societal, economic, demographic, and legal factors in shaping the well-being of migrants. By addressing these identified gaps, future research endeavours have the potential to provide evidence-based insights that can effectively guide policymakers and other relevant organizations in improving the well-being of migrants across different contexts.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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