The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction Between Organizational Learning and Job Performance DOI:

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Alaa S. Jameel


This study aims to find the impact of organizational learning on job performance among preparatory school teachers through the mediator role of job satisfaction. A survey was conducted at six preparatory schools in Heet City, Iraq. The study employed stratified random sampling to ensure a fair representation of samples from all six schools, and a questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results from 183 valid questionnaires were analyzed using Smart-PLS, indicating that organizational learning positively and significantly impacted a teacher’s performance. Moreover, job satisfaction also showed a significant positive effect on job performance. Additionally, organizational learning has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. The model indicated that job satisfaction mediated the relationship between organizational learning and job performance. This study enriched the body of knowledge in the context of Iraq. It contributed to the literature by examining the mediator role of job satisfaction in the relationship between organizational learning and job performance by focusing on schools as the samples. Practical implications suggest that schools could adopt various innovative approaches to increase job satisfaction among preparatory school teachers to increase job performance.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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