The Practices of Work-life Balance, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance Among Female Employees in Banking Industry: A Conceptual Study DOI:

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Yu Xian Tan
Ai Na Seow
Chi Hau Tan
Siew Yong Lam


Malaysia has seen a significant increase in female employees in recent years. However, women often struggle to balance their professional responsibilities with family commitments. This paper examines the work-life balance practices among female employees, focusing on how these practices impact job satisfaction and performance. Drawing on existing literature, the conceptual framework considers factors such as flexible work arrangements and employee wellness programs as work-life balance practices with the mediating role of job satisfaction between work-life balance practices and job performance. The target respondents will be female banking industry employees in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, Malaysia. Survey-based questionnaires and judgemental sampling will be used in data collection, while PLS-SEM will be used for data management. This study aims to develop a new model that promotes the job performance of female employees and contributes to the sustainable development goal of good health and well-being.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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