Factors Affecting Vietnamese Young People’s Impulsive Purchasing Intention on Live-Streaming Commerce DOI: https://doi.org/10.33093/ijomfa.2025.6.1.11

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Thien My Ngo
Thi Mai Le


This paper examines the factors affecting Vietnamese young people’s impulsive purchasing intention in the live-streaming commerce environment. Adopting the S-O-R research model with influencing factors is the Streamer’s Attractiveness (AT), Streamer’s Trustworthiness (TR), Streamer’s Expertise (EP), Perceived Price (PP), Product Usefulness (PU), and Facility Condition (FC). The mediating variables, or the O elements, are Perceived Enjoyment (PCE) and Perceived Usefulness (PCU). Lastly, the response that buyers deliver is Impulsive Purchasing Intention (IPI). The research focused on young Vietnamese people, particularly Millennials and Generation Z, born from 1980 to 2006 (18 to 44 years old). The quantitative research used a snowball sampling technique with a total of 291 qualified surveys. The data was processed and analyzed with the assistance of SPSS version 22 and SmartPLS 4. After thorough analysis, it is proven that perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness have a positive influence on impulsive purchasing intention; streamer’s attractiveness and trustworthiness, as well as perceived price, have a positive impact on perceived enjoyment and indirectly impact impulsive purchasing intention; product usefulness and facility condition have a positive influence on perceived usefulness and indirectly impact impulsive purchasing intention. However, the streamer’s expertise and perceived price do not impact perceived enjoyment and usefulness, respectively. The study found that impulsive buying intention is often triggered by emotional arousal, yet consumers still care about product quality and usefulness. The proposed model has been verified in the Vietnamese context and delivers practical insights for companies and marketers.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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