Digital Readiness Analysis in Bandung Government for Smart City Implementation DOI:

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Reza Sukmadiansyah
Siska Noviaristanti


Digital readiness is the willing to switch to digital process workflows supported by technological innovation. It is changing the way business is conducted, creating unprecedented opportunities. Digital readiness is known as the pre-requisite for digital transformation in implementing smart governance to build a smart city. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect employing smart strategies and digital readiness of smart innovation initiatives on the governance of Bandung city government. A total of 400 questionnaires were collected from 27 offices of the Bandung city government using online questionnaire, website link and face to face collection from the respective offices. Data collected were examined using multiple regression analysis. This research found that employing smart strategies and digital readiness are positively and significantly affecting the outcome of smart governance of Bandung city government.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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