Impact of Work From Home Factors on Employee Work Engagement DOI:

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Okoye Shedrach Obumneme
Muhammad Nizam Zainuddin


The aim of the study is to examine the various work from home related factors which help in bringing about improved employee work engagement based on the work assigned to them. The study employed a quantitative research approach, positivism research philosophy, and case study research design. The study made use of 201 participants, with data collected through questionnaire and online survey tool (Google Form). Participants for the study were sampled from AmIT Global Solutions, AppCable Sdn Bhd, IWG 3.2, Regus Management Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Deventure Sdn Bhd, and Texas Instruments. Thethree hypotheses proposed in the study were examined using multiple regression analysis. The results show that work from home autonomy, safety, and convenience increase employee engagement levels. The findings implied that work from home when adopted and implemented in an effective manner, increases employee work engagement. The results also aligned with the assumption of Herzberg Two Factor theory which holds on to the impact of work from home autonomy, which is a motivational factor and the impact of work from home safety and convenience, which are hygiene factors. In the absence of both factors, employees are less engaged (disengaged). The study has a limitation of small sample size with quantitative research approach.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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