A Conceptual Framework for Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicle in Malaysia DOI: https://doi.org/10.33093/ijomfa.2024.5.1.7

Main Article Content

Jen Sim Ho
Lily Yuzrina
Booi Chen Tan


Mobility is evolving globally. Automated vehicle technology is consistently advancing with the development of Artificial Intelligence and information communication technology. The Autonomous Vehicle is acknowledged with the benefits of reducing traffic fatalities, reduced emissions and convenience. If autonomous vehicles are widely adopted, the Sustainable Development Goals could be achieved. Various studies have been conducted to investigate the psychological factors (internal) as well as assess the efforts of institutions (external) in promoting the adoption of autonomous vehicles. Nonetheless, there is very few studies examined the impacts of internal and external factors on the acceptance of autonomous vehicles simultaneously. Therefore, this study is taken to close the gap in understanding the acceptance of autonomous vehicles in Malaysia by integrating the internal factors and external factors in a model. By reviewing the past studies, a conceptual framework which can offer a comprehensive insight to the policymakers and car makers from the public’s perspective is proposed. Implications from this study can serve as a basis for prioritising the budget resources and development guidelines for the successful implementation of autonomous vehicles in Malaysia.

Article Details

Management, Finance and Accounting
Author Biographies

Lily Yuzrina, Multimedia University, Malaysia

A DBA candidate

Booi Chen Tan, Multimedia University, Malaysia

Assoc prof in MMU


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