A Study on the Impact of Financial Incentives and Work Environment on Employee Motivation to Work: A Case Study of Employees of Paradise Estate Management Company DOI: https://doi.org/10.33093/ijomfa.2024.5.2.1

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Okoye Shedrach Obumneme
Farha Ghapar


The study aims to investigate the impact of financial incentives and workplace environment on employee work motivation. Individually, the study examines the impact of work allowances, employee wages, organisational culture, and internal communication on employee motivation to work in an organisation. The research employed a survey research design. The population of the study focused on the employees of Paradise Estate Management Company. A total of 79 respondents were selected from a pool of 120 employees in the organisation. The questionnaires were administered and distributed to respondents through Google Form. Multiple regression analysis was adopted to test the different hypotheses. The findings indicate that employee motivation is influenced by various factors within the work environment. These include internal communication and organisational culture, as well as financial incentives such as employee wages and work allowances.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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