A Qualitative Study of Factors That Influence Entrepreneurial Intention Among Students of Private Higher Education Institutions in Selangor DOI: https://doi.org/10.33093/ijomfa.2024.5.1.10

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Kyra Law
Norizan Jaafar


Entrepreneurship as a field of study has different sub-dimensions due to its usefulness in society, which makes it difficult to gain a holistic understanding of its key due to practical applications. A shift in generations creates a different yet unique business environment, especially in new business ventures. Younger generations have a different view and insight about entrepreneurship in small business. Thus, this study aims to seek deeper insight into entrepreneurial behaviour and intention among younger generations. Twenty semi-structured interviews with students from a higher private university in Malaysia were performed using the qualitative method. Using Nvivo 12, the interviews' transcriptions were used for content analysis to produce themes. This study highlights the four emerging themes from students’ perspectives: expectations for future goals, financial constraints in business venturing, personal growth, and opportunity cost to venture into business. The results of this study add to the body of knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship research since they emphasize students' intentions, worries, and considerations while starting a small firm. Additionally, it contributes to empirical research aimed at improving entrepreneurship ecosystems.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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