Design and Development of Electrical Go Kart
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This study explores the complex process of designing, developing, and building an electric go-kart with a focus on performance and sustainability. Using a multidisciplinary methodology, the research maximizes the vehicle's efficiency and environmental friendliness by integrating the principles of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and sustainable design. The study assesses many design factors, including motor power, battery capacity, and chassis materials, to find an ideal balance between performance and environmental impact through methodical experimentation and analysis. In order to improve the kart's energy economy and agility, the project also investigates cutting-edge technologies including lightweight composite materials and regenerative braking systems. The results of this study offer significant contributions to the subject of sustainable transportation, as well as to the development of electric car technology. Through the demonstration of the viability and efficiency of electric go-karts in comparison to their conventional gasoline-powered equivalents, this study highlights the significance of adopting renewable energy solutions within the automotive sector. In the end, the journal clarifies how electric go-karts can transform both competitive and recreational racing, making a strong argument for the broad use of clean energy technology in the quest for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.
[Manuscript received: 6 May 2024 | Accepted: 3 Sep 2024 | Published: : 30 Sep 2024]
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