Development of Brain Balancing System for Left and Right Hemispheres
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This paper presents the design of Mini Brain Games (MBGs) to improve either the left or right hemisphere of the brain. The MBG includes spot the difference, piano, block view, word building, word scrambler, sudoku, left hand control, memory card, flash card, crossword, math logic and mnemonics technique used for the order of operations in algebra, the planets in solar system, and resistor color code. Stroop test and brain dominance test are used to measure the level of balance between the two hemispheres of the brain before and after the exercise program. The mini brain games designed in the Brain Balancing System Windows Application are shown to improve the balance between the left and right hemisphere of the brain. The results show that the mini brain games are indeed able to assist in the left or right brain development. The largest improvement achieved is that the percentage of dominance between the two brain hemispheres is reduced by 18.18%. The smallest improvement achieved was that the difference between the two brain hemispheres was reduced by 9.08%.
(Manuscript received: 4 March 2021 | Accepted: 9 July 2021 | Published: 8 November 2021)
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