Development of Continuous Blood Pressure Measurement System Using Photoplethysmograph and Pulse Transit Time
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Blood pressure is one of the vital signs that provides important information about cardiovascular health. The current blood pressure detection method uses an oscillometric method. Unfortunately, this method required inflation and followed by deflation of the cuff. In addition, this method gives only instantaneous blood pressure and continuous blood pressure measurement is not available. This method is not applicable for patients who required long term blood pressure monitoring. To solve this problem, an algorithm based on pulse transit time (PTT) using two channel photoplethysmograph (PPG) signals can be used to obtain continuous blood pressure. PPG is a non-invasive method to detect blood volume changed affected by various physiological factors using optical sensors. PPG signal analysis can provide sufficient information about human health health, particularly cardiovascular problems. Previous literature study shows that the PTT has a linear relationship with blood pressure and may be as an index to monitor cardiovascular disease. However, determining the structure of model, order and implementation in real-time to offer continuous measurement of the PTT remains a challenging taskin this area. In this project, dynamic model based on PPG pulse transit time isused to measure blood pressure continuously from two different human sites. A low power microcontroller combined with PPG sensor with Bluetooth connectivity was used in this study. MATLAB software is used to calculate PTT from PPG signals obtained from two PPG sensors. Linear regression technique and Fung's algorithm were applied to obtain the line of best fit for measuring systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The experiment results showed that the pulse transit time-basedalgorithm for systolic and diastolic blood pressure calculation can achieve accuracy of 86.34% and 88.20%, respectively. This technique is a simple, user friendly and operator-independent system that suitable for long term blood pressure monitoring and wearable devices.
(Manuscript received: 9 March 2021 | Accepted: 11 August 2021 | Published: 8 November 2021)
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