Data Acquisition System and Pattern Image Generations for Hand Grip Device
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Grip pattern is essential to understand how an object being held in hand. One of the solutions is to use the pressure sensing glove to capture the gripping pressure distributed on the surface of the palm. The objective of this project is to develop a data acquisition system for a gripping device that can capture the grip patterns when a person is gripping an object. The design comprises of Velostat sheet, rows, and columns of conductive threads, that are sandwiched and layered to form a glove with pressure sensor grids. Arduino is used to generate the signals for data acquisition and interface with the MATLAB program through serial communication. On the MATLAB, the sensor data are organized and represented in hand pattern color image. Voltage Divider Rule (VDR) was used in an experiment with different resistor values and the effect of the image patterns were observed. Another experiment has been designed to find out the grip consistency. The results show that resistor values 330ohm can cause the image pattern create noises. Meanwhile, 4.7kohm resistance value is sufficient to eliminate most of the noises made in the pattern images. In this paper, different grip images can be obtained from different grip activities, such as holding toothbrush, lifting dumbbell, and pressing syringe. Future works can be done in resolution improvement and grip pattern recognition.
(Manuscript received: 4 June 2021 | Accepted: 4 August 2021 | Published: 8 November 2021)
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