Development of Augmented Reality Based Applications for Brain Memory Training
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This paper presents the development of augmented reality (AR) based brain memory training to improve the memorizing capability of the student. The AR visual memory training application is built on top of the mobile phone by utilizing the Unity and Vuforia platform. The developed visual memory test is a flipping card test that can measure a person’s memory capability to retain visual images and spatial perception in the mind. In this study, it is aimed to prove that AR technology is suitable to be employed in the education field. The results are justified based on the visual memory test score and the engaging level of the user computed from the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal. The results are assessed by comparing with the physical mode and computer-based mode. As result, it is shown that the student performed better in the AR-based visual memory test compared to physical and computer-based modes. Besides, the EEG signals also show that students are more engaged and attentive while using AR technology. Thus, this research proves that AR technology implemented in the education field is able to uplift the learning experience and performance of the students. This research might contribute to the first step in revolutionize the traditional learning method in Malaysia education system.
(Manuscript received: 17 November 2021 | Accepted: 24 April 2022 | Published: 30 April 2023)
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