The Application of Augmented Reality Platform for Chemistry Learning
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In this project, a new learning platform was developed. This project uses the technology of Augmented Reality (AR) to develop a graphic animation platform for learning purposes. By applying virtual objects with animations for learning, it helps to engage users and increase their learning efficiency. Besides, the AR platform combines hardware (i.e.s smartphone, headset, and target marker) and software (i.e., Unity, Vuforia, and C#) for the operation. The AR application allow the interaction of the virtual objects by grabbing target marker toward each other or touching the virtual button in real environment. This can increase the immersion and interaction of the user when learning chemistry. In additional, the “Chemical Learn” experiments was designed to study the effectiveness of the AR platform compared to traditional platform as well as to conduct user satisfaction surveys. The overall results showed that the AR learning platform can improved learning efficiency of users in chemistry compared to traditional learning methods. Moreover, users who participate in the survey are generally satisfied with the AR. It is believed that with the rising trend of technology, it is only a matter of time before people become familiar with the AR platform.
(Submitted: 1 December 2021 | Accepted: 24 April 2022 | Published: 30 September 2023)
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