Multi-Color Code with High Data Capacity
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Quick Response (QR) code is commonly utilized in this era to serve multiple purposes. In order to uplift the data size of QR code, higher versions of QR code are introduced for greater data size. Nonetheless, the current QR code has met the bottleneck of data size. The latest version of QR code (version 40) now can only encode up to 4 kilobytes of data. Besides, QR code version 40 is unable to be decoded easily due to the high layout density. Hence, this research’s objective is to develop a Multi-color Code which involves multiple colors to uplift the data size. Similar to the QR Code, the Multi-color Code (McC) also consists of the features of auto rotation and error correction. The outcome of the research is the developed McC can achieve up to 10Kb. Besides, McC is capable to encode image file for offline identification. The results shows that the auto rotation feature, Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm, developed Lanczos-8 interpolation method and adaptive piecewise transformed normalization contribute in yielding 100% decoding accuracy.
(Manuscript received: 22 March 2022 | Accepted: 28 April 2022 | Published: 8 July 2022)
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