A Fundamental Study of an Alternative Learning Framework Utilizing Natural User Interface (NUI) for Physically Disabled Students
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An alternative learning framework utilizing a natural user interface (NUI) can be applied in the context of education for students whose needs are not catered for in the current learning environment in Malaysia. The alternative learning program would still follow the current subject syllabus, but with differences in how the lessons are delivered, learned and executed. A conceptual framework that enables the adoption of the alternative learning program using Microsoft Kinect in Malaysian education system was then proposed to minimize the gaps found in the current learning setting to cater for the special needs of physically disabled children in Malaysia, in particular, primary school children, using the National Curriculum as a guide. Since this is a new framework, the validity and reliability of the proposed framework will be analyzed. A usability test would also be conducted to gauge the acceptance of the proposed framework amongst the children.
(Manuscript received: 2 June 2022 | Accepted: 17 March 2023 | Published: 30 April 2023)
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