Vision-based Egg Grading System using Support Vector Machine
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Being known as a nutrient-dense food, eggs are high in demand in the marketplace and high-quality eggs are much sought-after. Hence, egg grading is in place to sort eggs into different grades. Experienced graders are required for their knowledge to classify egg grades and as humans are involved, errors when performing manual grading are unavoidable. This study aims to develop a vision-based egg classification system that requires minimal human intervention. The proposed system houses a camera to acquire real-time images of the eggs and these images are served as the input to the algorithm. Based on the 6 geometrical features derived from the geometric parameters of the egg image, the eggs are classified using Support Vector Machine (SVM). The experiment results show the proposed egg grading system with a linear kernel SVM model can yield as high as 92.59% training accuracy.
[Manuscript received: 1 July 2023 | Accepted: 10 October 2023 | Published: 30 April 2024]
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