The Enhanced Speech Recognition in Automated Home Lighting System using Adaptive Time-Frequency Domain Noise Removal Algorithm Filter
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Numerous studies have explored speech recognition performance in Smart Home environments. However speech recognition accuracy diminishes when voice commands are captured in noisy areas of the home. This study aims to enhance speech recognition performance in such noisy environments. Instead of relying on remote control signals, a Bluetooth system is employed for short-range wireless communication to identify speech commands. Various sound levels are measured in decibels (dB) at different distances using the Smart Noise Application. A filter algorithm with Adaptive Filtering is used to minimize unwanted noise. The algorithm uses Adaptive Time-Frequency Domain Noise Removal (TFDNR) to mitigate background noise. Overall, the integrated system comprising Smartphone, Bluetooth, Arduino microcontroller, and noise detection software exhibits improved performance compared to previous studies, highlighting its potential for seamless smart home automation.
[Manuscript received: 31 July 2023 | Accepted: 26 March 2024 | Published: : 30 April 2024]
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