Genetic Algorithm-Based Multitier Ensemble Classifier for Diagnosis of Heart Disease
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Designing a hybrid or ensemble data mining system appropriate to the application is a research challenge. Heart disease is a life threatening disease that need to be recognized correctly in the starting stage before it becomes more complex. Using artificial intelligence techniques in a hybrid and ensemble architecture can support the prediction of heart disease more effectively based on the given sample cases. This paper proposes a classification system called genetic algorithm-based ensemble classification system (GA-ECS) for the identification of heart disease. As feature selection is the crucial step before applying the data mining techniques, the genetic algorithm is used in GA-ECS to identify the best features in a given dataset. The Cleveland heart disease dataset is used for testing GA-ECS. The performance of GA-ECS is compared with different machine learning classifiers for the prediction of heart disease. GA-ECS showed a promising outcome with an accuracy of 90% for the diagnosis of heart disease.
[Manuscript received: 23 August 2023 | Accepted: 12 December 2023 | Published: 30 April 2024]
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