Validity and Reliability of a Conceptual Framework on Enhancing Learning for Students via Kinect: A Pilot Test
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Traditional method of teaching poses two significant problems – not all students learn alike, and the physical interaction needed poses health risk during pandemic. As such, for these students, an alternative learning method such as those that uses natural user interface (NUI) can be considered. This method would be beneficial for kinesthetic type learners and can be conducted remotely. The alternative learning program is a complementary method, thus still incorporates the current subject syllabus. However, the delivery, learning and execution of the syllabus will be varied. In minimizing these gaps found in the current Malaysian education system, a conceptual framework utilizing Microsoft Kinect is proposed. Since this is a new framework, a pilot study is needed to gauge the validity and reliability of the survey instrument prior to embarking on further study on the outcome of the alternative learning program. Face and content validity conducted on the questionnaire were found to be clear, not confusing, and measures what the questions were supposed to measure. Reliability measured using Cronbach’s Alpha indicated values above the acceptable range. Thus, these results indicate that the instrument is valid and reliable to be applied for data collection in the future study to assess the intention of Malaysian students to adopt an alternative medium for learning.
[Manuscript received: 22 October 2023 | Accepted: 13 March 2024 | Published: : 30 April 2024]
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