Utilising AI-powered Chatbots for Learning Endangered Nigerian Languages and Considerations for Their Development

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Abdulahi Olarewaju Aremu


Younger generations in Nigeria increasingly use English over their native languages, leading to a decline in indigenous language use in public and professional settings and risking language loss. Consequently, this study explores the potential of AI-powered chatbots in aiding the learning of endangered Nigerian languages. The objectives are to determine how chatbots can support language learning, identify the essential functionalities required for effective learning, and outline design considerations to address the specific challenges faced by these languages. The research employs a qualitative approach, using secondary data from existing literature on language revitalisation, AI chatbots, and Nigerian languages. The analysis reveals that AI chatbots can significantly enhance language learning through features such as handling tonal distinctions and syntactic operations present or allowed in the languages, providing feedback, and engaging learners. Practical design considerations for developers include integrating these functionalities to create effective language-learning tools. These findings suggest that integrating AI technology into language preservation efforts can offer an innovative solution to revitalise endangered Nigerian languages and ensure their continued use among future generations.

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How to Cite
Aremu, A. O. . (2024). Utilising AI-powered Chatbots for Learning Endangered Nigerian Languages and Considerations for Their Development . Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 4(2), 41–56. https://doi.org/10.33093/jclc.2024.4.2.3


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