Factors Influencing Users’ Interest in Using Online Dating Apps with Age as the Moderator

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Kyra Law Ley Sy
Ponco Budi Sulistyo
Elizabeth Serwaa Boateng Koomson
Karma Yezer


A mobile dating software app advertises itself as a social discovery tool and helps users start new, possibly romantic interactions. Online dating apps’ entry into personal life is promoted as a well-liked and distinctive method of establishing relationships. It is a sign of rising information and communication technology (ICT) use in this area. Previous studies have also shown that age may be a significant factor that influences individuals in using dating apps, especially among the younger generations. Various studies have been conducted in different countries but there is a lack of evidence that focuses on Malaysians and age. Thus, this research was conducted with 103 respondents through convenience sampling, in which participants completed an online survey. Using the SmartPLS, the analysis for the direct relationships and moderating relationships was conducted. The results showed that attraction, mood and selective swipers trigger users' interest in using dating apps although age did not interfere with the relationships. Age may not seem to be a vital factor in using dating apps. This study recognised the evolution of dating apps for mobile devices, the need for more data on how dating apps facilitated user relationship initiation and any possible implications for relationship developmental stages.

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How to Cite
Law Ley Sy , K. ., Budi Sulistyo, P. ., Boateng Koomson, E. S., & Yezer, K. . (2024). Factors Influencing Users’ Interest in Using Online Dating Apps with Age as the Moderator. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 4(2), 133–147. https://doi.org/10.33093/jclc.2024.4.2.8


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