Perceptions of Language Teachers and Parents on Writing Module and Online Learning Platforms in Evolving Students' Writing Skills

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Raganeswari Ramasamy
Mariam Mohamad
Mageswaran Sanmugam
Hooi Chee Mei


Technology resources play an imperative role in the education system in this digital era. The Ministry of Education of Malaysia (MOE), through Shift 7 from the Malaysian Education Blueprint, elucidated the need to apply Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve the quality of the learning system. This present study explores the perceptions of language teachers and parents concerning the usefulness of incorporating writing modules, online learning platforms and mobile learning to develop upper secondary students' writing skills at Malaysian National Secondary Schools. It was a qualitative research design in which the data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the participants. The findings revealed that language teachers and parents considered writing modules, online learning platforms, and mobile learning environments to be vital resources for developing students' writing skills. The language teachers and parents viewed the approachability of technology resources, their interactive features, and their capability to provide immediate feedback for students in developing their writing skills. Generally, this study emphasised the usefulness of writing modules, online learning platforms and mobile learning as additional resources. This study also indicated the implication of considering technologies from both language teachers and parents to develop students' writing skills. In addition, this study emphasised that future researchers could use appropriate instructional models to create writing modules and proper behaviour theories to design online writing activities. This will motivate the students to practise writing skills via technology resources.

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How to Cite
Ramasamy, R. ., Mohamad, M. ., Sanmugam, M. ., & Chee Mei, H. . (2025). Perceptions of Language Teachers and Parents on Writing Module and Online Learning Platforms in Evolving Students’ Writing Skills . Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 5(1), 152–170.