An Investigation on the Perspectives of Teachers Using Facebook: A Case of Malaysian Academics

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Mohd Zulfadli Mat Husin
Zuraina Ali


Education fields have rapidly transformed since the year 2020 from the traditional method to adapting more Web-based tools. Facebook has been regarded as one of the most popular social platforms teachers and learners use in education. It is perceived by teachers and learners as a tool that improves the teaching and learning processes significantly through its several features. This study aims to explore the Malaysian teachers’ views on Facebook in their teaching. Eighty teachers from different levels of Malaysia’s institutions participated in this study. This study adopted the quantitative method to gather teachers’ views on the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook and their reflections on Facebook usage in teaching and learning. Findings showed that teachers had a positive perception of the use of Facebook. This study also found no significant difference between male and female teachers in their perception of Facebook use. This study suggests that teachers optimise this tool in their teaching based on the advantages of using Facebook.


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How to Cite
Mat Husin, M. Z., & Ali, Z. (2022). An Investigation on the Perspectives of Teachers Using Facebook: A Case of Malaysian Academics. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 2(1), 31–45.
Author Biography

Zuraina Ali, Universiity Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Senior Lecturer in Centre for Modern Language, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Pahang


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