Influence of Cultural Dimensions on Intercultural Communication Styles: Ethnicity in a Moderating Role

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Kavitha Balakrishnan


In a culturally varied context where managing and coordinating communication with people from various backgrounds is the greatest challenge, effective intercultural communication is even more important. It is critical for professionals and practitioners to comprehend the nuances and complexity of communication and develop competencies in this area. As a result, the importance of intercultural communication styles cannot be more emphasised, as it is a critical component of the current global and dynamic phenomenon in Malaysian workplaces. However, studies in this field are scarce, particularly in a multicultural country like Malaysia. The interaction between the determinants of cultural dimensions on intercultural communication styles variables among employees in Malaysian workplaces from various cultures and social demography is investigated in this study. The data analysis will be undertaken using SMART-PLS for generating the structural equation modelling employing data obtained from 400 practitioners via a self-administered survey questionnaire. The probability sampling technique of simple random sampling will be used for data analysis. The findings will provide insight into industry expectations and the professional skills needed to equip them for careers in typical culturally diverse situations. The findings will reveal if cultural dimension factors have a direct and statistically significant impact on intercultural communication styles. Theoretical and practical significance on the stakeholders is discussed.

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How to Cite
Balakrishnan, K. (2022). Influence of Cultural Dimensions on Intercultural Communication Styles: Ethnicity in a Moderating Role. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 2(1), 46–62.


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