Facebook’s Influence on the Effectiveness of Digital Advertising among Malaysian Youth

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Tan Hui Lin
Veeramuthu A/L Veerappan
Muhammad Akib Warraich
Ponco Budi Sulistyo
Angga Ranggana Putra



The growth of advanced technology has contributed to the digital advertising industry as Facebook's users are easily connected, and purchasing behaviours will be developed with the content of the products promoted in digital advertising. The older generation prefers traditional advertising due to technology's security and privacy aspects, leading to fewer choices in purchasing products. This study aimed to identify the relationship between the influence of Facebook and the effectiveness of digital advertising among Malaysian youth in Klang Valley. It was anticipated that this research would provide helpful information to the public and assist researchers in the future based on the findings of this topic area. Data was collected using a Google Form and distributed via social media like WhatsApp. The targeted respondents are between 15 and 34 years old and are located in the Klang Valley area. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27 system was used to determine digital advertising characteristics electronically. T-test and ANOVA tests were applied in this study to examine the demographic factors that affect the relationship between the variables, as different backgrounds influence the perspectives and behaviours of the users. The findings show that the independent variable, the influence of Facebook, has a strong correlation with the dependent variable, the effectiveness of digital advertising among Malaysian youth in Klang Valley (r= 0.770). Socio-demographic factors such as age and educational level had an effect on the relationship between the variables. The effectiveness of digital advertising is influenced by the number of likes, comments, and shares by Facebook users.

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How to Cite
Hui Lin, T. ., Veerappan , V. A., Warraich , M. A. ., Budi Sulistyo, P. ., & Ranggana Putra , A. . (2024). Facebook’s Influence on the Effectiveness of Digital Advertising among Malaysian Youth. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 4(1), 61–83. https://doi.org/10.33093/jclc.2024.4.1.4


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