A Textual Analysis of Creative Multimedia Approaches in Tamil Movie Title Posters

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Manokaran Komalata
Ong Shyi Nian




Creative multimedia refers to integrating different media elements, such as text, graphics, audio, video, animation, and interactive elements to convey a message, tell a story, or evoke emotions in a visually compelling and engaging way. Formation of Tamil movie titles is a crucial process of moviemaking because the director intends to reveal the essence of the movie itself, like a title of a journal article. Tamil cinema, also known as Kollywood, has faced a lot of controversies, and one of them is choosing the title of a film. These days, directors concentrate on movie titles with creative ideas to reach audiences. Therefore, this study intends to 1) analyse creative multimedia approaches in Tamil movie title posters and 2) reveal the meaning and storyline of the film from Tamil movie title posters. This descriptive qualitative study used Tamil movie titles (English version posters) using purposive sampling from the production’s official pages. The data support the findings of the formation of Tamil movie titles collaborating with creative multimedia approaches using textual analysis. Lately, directors or designers have been using creative multimedia approaches to attract the audience’s interest in the movie’s title from pre-production until release. The study disclosed that symbols and creative multimedia approaches became interesting domains to keep the titles intact. The findings help to extract the storyline by inserting creative multimedia into the titles so that the audience can presume the storyline, which attracts their attention and draws them into the theatres.

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How to Cite
Komalata , M., & Shyi Nian, O. . (2024). A Textual Analysis of Creative Multimedia Approaches in Tamil Movie Title Posters. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 4(1), 126–149. https://doi.org/10.33093/jclc.2024.4.1.7


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