A Need Analysis of Incorporating A New Teaching Approach via Technology

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Raganeswari Ramasamy
Mariam Mohamad
Mageswaran Sanmugam
Hooi Chee Mei



English plays a vital role in our lives as it helps communication. There are four major English skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. However, it has always been a huge problem when it comes to writing among students in Malaysia. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of using the 4Cs, which are collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creative thinking of the 21st-century learning skills, to foster students' narrative writing skills using  online learning platforms via mobile learning. A need analysis was conducted using a questionnaire through Google Forms. The respondents for this study were 100 teachers who teach the English language among Form 4 students in Malaysia and have different teaching experiences. The findings revealed that integrating the four main skills (4Cs) of the 21st-century skills and online learning platforms via mobile learning has great potential to foster narrative writing skills among upper-secondary students. This study was significant as it explored the potential and requirement of the 4Cs and online learning platforms via mobile learning in developing students’ narrative writing skills. The outcomes from this study could enable future researchers or policymakers to provide specific guidelines by incorporating the 4Cs, using online learning platforms via mobile learning and preparing appropriate online writing modules for students in Malaysia to progress in their writing skills. Such initiatives align with the Ministry of Education’s blueprint that promotes the integration of new teaching and learning approaches, especially by using technological features in the Malaysian education system (Education Blueprint 2013-2025).

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How to Cite
Ramasamy, R. ., Mohamad, M. ., Sanmugam, M. ., & Chee Mei, H. . (2024). A Need Analysis of Incorporating A New Teaching Approach via Technology. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 4(1), 175–193. https://doi.org/10.33093/jclc.2024.4.1.9


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