Striking the Right Chord: Legal Dynamics of Music Copyright Law in Malaysia

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Liveernieesh Ramakrishnan


Copyright law is the bedrock of the music industry, governing the ownership, distribution and commercialisation of musical works and sound recordings. It serves as a linchpin that sustains the complex ecosystem made up of users, authors, and owners. Supported by various multifaceted justifications for its existence, the landscape of music copyright law in Malaysia is characterised by diversity and cultural richness. Despite being primarily governed by the Copyright Act 1987, which offers protection for both sound recordings and musical works, there remains a notable lack of awareness regarding the applicability of copyright law and possible infringements. Addressing this is imperative, alongside the need to align Malaysian copyright law with international standards. With the rapid advancement of the global music industry, ongoing efforts are essential to foster a thriving music industry that benefits creators, consumers, and owners. Therefore, this paper aims to comprehensively analyse and understand music copyright law in Malaysia and provide insights into the global issues shaping the field.

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How to Cite
Ramakrishnan, L. (2024). Striking the Right Chord: Legal Dynamics of Music Copyright Law in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Law and Policy, 4(2), 109–129.
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