Legal and Social Issues of Stateless Children in Malaysia
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Malaysia does not have official records on the number of stateless people in the country. This lack of proactivity makes it challenging to identify the number of stateless people from the country’s population of ‘non-citizens’. For many stateless children, they are the products of this endless cycle of statelessness that transmits from one generation to the next especially when attempts to obtain a Malaysian citizenship from the National Registration Department fall futile. Though statelessness remains their only identity, it has also robbed them of State protection over the most fundamental human rights. This paper seeks to address the legal and social issues faced by stateless children in Malaysia. It begins by exploring the legal definition of a stateless child and the international minimum standard of protection that they are entitled to. The second part of the paper will then analyse the current Malaysian legal framework on statelessness, and how it fails to provide adequate protection for stateless children. This is followed by proposing potential solutions to the issue, such as amending the relevant laws and introducing awareness campaigns. Finally, the paper will conclude by outlining the importance of addressing statelessness in Malaysia and how this will benefit the stateless population.
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