The effectiveness of microlearning approach from the perspectives of practicum teachers
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Over the past years, practicum teachers have been assigned to schools for their teaching practicum. Many of them tend to struggle with the reduced attention span of students due to online learning. As such, microlearning has been seen to be the most recent method of teaching that could aid students to learn better. This research focuses on the interaction and relativity of microlearning with practicum teachers in the teaching and learning process. 8 groups of 20 students in each group were selected using a convenience sampling method, as the group of students were easily accessed by the researcher, and the practicum teachers acted as the data collectors for this research. The microlearning tool used to replace the traditional teaching method was a 3-minute video and images.. All selected students are in the same level of studies which is in Year 8. Majority of them have the same proficiency level which is upper intermediate. The results show that microlearning did help with their classroom management and students were able to practise their scaffolding skills in a more effective manner.
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