Research papers submitted to IPBSS are subjected to a double-blind peer review process.  Thus, the identities of reviewers are withheld from author(s) and vice versa.  The role of peer review in scholarly publishing is crucial to ensure that all manuscripts submitted are high quality papers. Reviewers evaluate and provide feedback on manuscripts submitted according to the publishing criteria of each journal, validity of the research done and the completeness of the research presented.

The following explains the review process conducted by IPBSS:

  1. Upon receipt of submission, the manuscript is screened for generic quality and suitability for the journal’s aims, objectives, and scope. The Editor-in-Chief, or an Associate Editor assigned by the Editor-in-Chief, may reject a manuscript without peer review if the manuscript is judged to be not suitable, poorly written or formatted, or lacking significance.
  2. Manuscripts that passed the initial screening are assigned to two reviewers, taking into account the reviewers’ expertise and any competing interest. A third reviewer may be assigned if necessary.
  3. The whole double-blind peer review process normally takes two to six weeks to complete. However, a reviewer may request from the Editor-in-Chief for more time to review a manuscript, if required.  
  4. The corresponding author will receive the reviews and a decision at the end of the review process. The Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor may provide his/her suggestions for improvement to the authors. A manuscript could only be considered for acceptance if it had received favourable recommendations from at least two reviewers.
  5. Submitted manuscripts are also checked for textual overlap to detect possible signs of plagiarism by the Editorial Office.
  6. The acceptance or rejection of a revised manuscript is final.

Research articles published in IPBSS have been peer reviewed and approved by the Editor-in-Chief. IPBSS uses Open Journal System (OJS) to manage paper submission, review, copyediting and production.