The influence of perceived institutional support and social competencies on online learning satisfaction: A private higher education student perspective

Main Article Content

Eng Mun Khong
Ai Na Seow
Siew Yong Lam


COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionised higher education delivery through online learning. While it offers flexibility and accessibility, it also challenges social interaction and satisfaction. To address this challenge, this study adopted the Community of Inquiry framework as a valuable lens to investigate the relationship between perceived institutional support, social competencies with classmates and instructors, and online learning satisfaction. A quantitative approach was used to analyse and explore the proposed hypotheses through Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. Students with prior experience in online learning from private higher education institutions were approached as the respondents. A total of 419 samples were selected through purposive sampling. The results indicated a positive relationship between perceived institutional support and online learning satisfaction. Perceived institutional support is positively related to social competencies of classmates and instructors. The research found that social competencies with classmates and instructors significantly mediated the association between perceived institutional support and online learning satisfaction. The findings from the study have implications for educational institutions, instructors, and students.

Article Details

How to Cite
Khong, E. M., Seow, A. N., & Lam, S. Y. (2024). The influence of perceived institutional support and social competencies on online learning satisfaction: A private higher education student perspective. Issues and Perspectives in Business and Social Sciences, 202–218.
Research papers
Author Biography

Eng Mun Khong, Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Research Scholarship Scheme (RSS) Holder, Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR).

2021-Present: Candidate of Master of Philosophy at UTAR. RSS is awarded by UTAR under UTAR Research Fund (UTARRF). Project title: “The changing patterns of online learning behaviour among Malaysian university students due to Covid-19 pandemic: The mediating role of desire” (Project No. IPSR/RMC/UTARRF/2020-C2/L01).

Conference Proceedings:-
Khong, E. M., Seow, A. N., & Lam, S. Y. (2023). Students’ perception of higher institutional support towards online learning satisfaction: The mediating effect of self-regulated learning. In F. Chen, W. K. S. Choo, V. H. Lee, & C. Y. Wei (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2022) (Vol. 671, pp. 414–443). Atlantis Press.
Recipient of the Best Paper Award (October 2022)

Khong, E. M., Seow, A. N., & Lam, S. Y. (2022). The effects of student online learning competencies on satisfaction and retention: A conceptual paper. In K. W. Hen, H. C. Chin, & N. C. Aik (Eds.), Proceeding of the International Conference on Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Economic Development (pp. 121–133). Selangor, Kajang: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.


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