Social entrepreneurship for young people with disabilities: A conceptual analysis
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Employment is one of the most basic needs of everyone, including people with disabilities (PWD). However, the numerous obstacles faced by PWD limit their ability to actively participate in the labour market, become economically self-sufficient, and contribute to national economic development. In general, PWD all over the world face a high risk of unemployment. Therefore, this study explored the function of social entrepreneurship in eradicating unemployment among young PWD. This research also emphasised the challenges experienced by PWD in securing employment in Malaysia. Among the issues highlighted are the negative attitudes of employers towards PWD and how employers could adopt the social entrepreneurship perspective. The systematic review method was used to examine the previous literature to accomplish the highlighted purpose and seek answer to the research questions. The literature review revealed problems of unemployment among young PWD. Hence, the improvement of young PWD’s employment have to be focused systematically by taking into account the social entrepreneurship’s perspective. This study is expected to provide a significant contribution to the knowledge on employment of young PWD and would increase the number of their participation in the workplaces.
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