How do different values affect pro-environmental behaviours and happiness?
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Schwartz’s Value Theory has brought about a rebirth of research on human values. However, the mediating role of pro-environmental behaviours and happiness on human values is inadequate. Thus, this study adopted the bipolar dimensions of human values organised by Schwartz, self-transcendence, and self-enhancement as the independent construct of values to explore the mediating role of pro-environmental behaviours and happiness. Data were taken from a random sample of Klang Valley residents (N = 700) in Malaysia. Partial least squares and structural equation modeling tools were used to achieve the aims. The study found that self-transcendence plays a vital role in affecting pro-environmental behaviours and happiness. Pro-environmental behaviours lead to happiness, and it is an important mediator between human value with happiness. Happiness leads to pro-environmental behaviours, and it is also an important mediator between human values and pro-environmental behaviours. The results confirm that psychological factors (happiness) regarding the environment play a prominent role in determining pro-environmental behaviours. Hence, cultivating self-transcendence values is crucial to foster pro-environmental behaviours and boosting happiness. Engaging with pro-environmental behaviours is important to generate positive feelings, which will eventually boost happiness. Nurturing a sense of happiness will motivate pro-environmental behaviours as well.
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