Determinants of consumers' intention to purchase and switch to products of bio-waste: Potential support for a closed-loop supply chain

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Jin Yee, Agnes Lim
Bak Aun Teoh
Nurul Ibtisyami Yasin
Ameer Farhan Mohd Arzaman
Chai Aun Ooi
Kah Mun Goh


The impact of urbanisation and increasing number of populations have become major factors that lead to negative impact toward the environment. Although waste management has been practiced by most of the marketers, the problem of waste is still not well-managed. Therefore, this study is conducted with the aim to examine the impacts of consumers’ perception towards products of bio-waste and to understand consumers’ purchasing behaviour. The paper adopted multiple regression analysis in investigating consumers’ perception towards bio-waste products and consumers’ purchasing behaviour variables. The self-administered surveys were randomly disseminated to Penang consumers, where 99 responses were collected. The result shows a positive relationship between consumers’ perception towards bio-waste and purchase behaviour variables, which is consistent with the theory of planned behaviour. Thus, this study caters several implications and recommendations to the scholars, industrial practitioners and policymakers regarding consumers’ perception and purchasing behaviour towards bio-waste products.

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How to Cite
Lim , J. Y. A., Teoh, B. A., Yasin, N. I., Mohd Arzaman, A. F. ., Ooi, C. A., & Goh, K. M. (2024). Determinants of consumers’ intention to purchase and switch to products of bio-waste: Potential support for a closed-loop supply chain. Issues and Perspectives in Business and Social Sciences, 4(1), 43–53.
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