The revelations of kuih peneram among young generations
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In the rapidly evolving Malay community, the younger generations seem to be gradually losing touch with the rich heritage of traditional Malay kuih. The uniqueness of traditional Malay kuih lies in its versatility, as it can be served in any course of meals, as an appetiser, dessert, or even as a snack. The term ‘traditional Malay kuih’ is broad, encompassing various sizes and methods of preparation, each bears dynamic flavours, either sweet or savoury. This study investigates the younger generations’ level of knowledge of kuih peneram, from its general knowledge to the process of making it. The study involves seven informants from the younger generations and five kuih peneram entrepreneurs. Adopting a qualitative approach, the data collected were subjected to content analysis. The primary objective of this investigation is to gain insights into the knowledge and proficiency of the younger generations concerning the art of making kuih peneram.
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