Exploring the nexus of entrepreneurial potential and entrepreneurial mentoring among TVET programme students
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Malaysia government aims to foster an entrepreneurial ecosystem by launching The National Entrepreneurship Policy in 2019 to encourage TVET students to participate in entrepreneurship. TVET students are taught about business startups. This collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MoE) seeks to nurture student entrepreneurs as job creators. Issues such as salary discrimination, and competency gaps are often faced by TVET graduates. A total of 252 students from Vocational Colleges in Malaysia were selected using stratified sampling. The result found entrepreneurial students and entrepreneurial interaction have a relationship with entrepreneurial potential. Yet, no relationship was indicated between entrepreneurial potential and the entrepreneurial mentor. The study expands knowledge of TVET students' entrepreneurial potential and provides insights into entrepreneurial potential studies for Malaysian entrepreneurship academia. It also helps the public and private sectors create entrepreneurship mentoring programmes. The findings support the TVET institution's goal of becoming an entrepreneurial hub.
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