Development of Virtual Reality-Based Left Brain System

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Kok An Teo
Kok Swee Sim
Chean Khim Toa
Kai Liang Lew


This paper proposes a virtual reality based Left Brain System named BrainUp World to improve left brain thinking. The left-brain system was employed with mobile virtual reality technology, hand motion tracking and haptic feedback system. The implementation of these systems is to enhance the experience and sense of embodiment. BrainUp World includes virtual reality-based brain training games to improve a person’s attention level, reasoning skill, auditory cognition, arithmetic skill, sequencing skill and memory. The hand tracking system was utilized with an IR camera to capture the hand orientation and return the gesture data to the VR application. A low-cost and lightweight haptic glove was invented which provides the sense of touch using vibrations while interacting with VR contents. An experimental study was conducted to assess the efficacy of BrainUp World compared to traditional PC-based training approaches. Participants were randomly assigned to either the VR-based or PC-based training group and underwent 6 different games to test a person’s attention level, reasoning skill, auditory cognition, arithmetic skill, sequencing skill, and memory. The results revealed a statistically significant improvement in left brain function in the VR-based training group compared to the PC-based group, with a T-score growth of 4.73. Analysis using ANOVA confirmed the significance of this difference (p-Value = 0.04). Notably, the study also identified age-related differences in thinking fluency, highlighting the importance of personalized cognitive training interventions. In conclusion, BrainUp World demonstrates the potential of VR technology in promoting left brain development, as evidenced by empirical findings from the conducted study. By offering immersive and interactive cognitive training experiences, VR-based systems hold promise for enhancing various aspects of cognitive function associated with left hemisphere dominance. Further research in this area is encouraged to explore the full potential of VR-based interventions for cognitive enhancement.

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How to Cite
Teo, K. A., Sim, K. S., Toa, C. K., & Lew, K. L. (2024). Development of Virtual Reality-Based Left Brain System. Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering, 3(3), 98–120.
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