Investigation on Understanding the Numeracy Capacity of Intellectual Disabled Students using Enabling Technology Tools: Web Application, AR and UI/UX

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Vishvjit Thakar
Romany Thakar
Pratik Vyas


The population of individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) is increasing, necessitating assistance with a wide range of daily activities. Acquiring and assessing numeracy and communication skills are critical for this demographic, requiring tools and techniques tailored to their specific needs. Effective educational tools must employ multi-modal and multi-sensory approaches to cater to diverse learning styles and incorporate assistive technological solutions. Despite the availability of numerous tools, there is a need to enhance their utility and effectiveness. This study aims to identify and refine the requirements for an innovative educational tool that employs Two-dimensional (2D) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. To achieve this, we conducted semi-structured interviews and surveys with teachers working with students with ID, gaining insights into the current solutions, advantages, and limitations. Additionally, we used physical props as design probes in a co-design methodology to better understand and elicit the true needs of individuals with ID. The findings from this research will inform the development of a 2D/AR tool designed to make learning mathematics more engaging and effective for individuals with ID, contributing to the advancement of inclusive education practices. Enabling Technology plays a significant role in the numeracy ability among people with ID. Generative AI and Explainable AI shall further improve learning ability in the years to come.

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How to Cite
Thakar, V., Thakar, R., & Vyas, P. (2024). Investigation on Understanding the Numeracy Capacity of Intellectual Disabled Students using Enabling Technology Tools: Web Application, AR and UI/UX. Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering, 3(3), 176–189.
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