Development of Robot Feature for Stunting Analysis Using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) Algorithm

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Muhammad Rahadian Abdurrahman
Halim Al Aziz
Farras Adhani Zayn
Muhammad Agus Purnomo
Heru Agus Santoso


Stunting prevalence in Indonesia persists as a significant challenge necessitating concerted efforts from all stakeholders. We developed robot for stunting analysis using deep learning algorithm. It aligns with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) agenda, specifically targeting SDG 3, which focuses on ensuring good health and well-being for all.  Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is a type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) designed to overcome the vanishing gradient problem in traditional RNNs. In general, either LSTM can be used in analysis. This study aims to classify stunting based on age and height using LSTM. The LSTM model was trained with 50 epochs using datasets collected from the health office and robots. The evaluation results show training accuracy of 96.65% and training validation of 96.61%, with precision, recall and f1-score varying with relevance to the f1-score and support value. This research illustrates the potential for using data classification methods in stunting diagnosis. However, it is necessary to adjust parameters and increase the amount of training data to improve model performance. With good convergence at epoch 50, these results show the model's ability to classify stunting based on age and height. However, further validation and testing on larger datasets is needed to thoroughly test the reliability and generalization of the model. This research can contribute to the development of deep learning regarding robots as a means of testing stunting. This research provides initial evidence of the potential of stunting classification methods using robots. However, parameter adjustments and increasing the amount of training data need to be done to improve the overall model performance.

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How to Cite
Abdurrahman , M. R., Al Aziz, H., Zayn, F. A., Purnomo , M. A., & Santoso, H. A. (2024). Development of Robot Feature for Stunting Analysis Using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) Algorithm. Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering, 3(3), 164–175.
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