A SWOT Analysis With A Digital Transformation: A Case Study For Hospitals In The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
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The pharmaceutical business meets all requirements for a complicated and tightly regulated sector, including multi-stakeholder participation. The objective is to study digital transformation strategies in hospitals to improve the safety and convenience of pharmaceutical services when providing healthcare services. In this study, a SWOT analysis is performed to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with a digital transformation case study for hospitals in the pharmaceutical supply chain in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Information source for SWOT analysis of published articles and reports in the following aspects: Digital transformation environment of hospitals in the global pharmaceutical supply chain; new technology with reliability, safety, and security; Culture with human resources and customer experience; Laws and policies. The outcomes of the SWOT analysis highlight the opportunities, threats, weaknesses, and opportunities. The SWOT matrix and pertinent strategies should be used by hospitals in the pharmaceutical supply chain to maximize their strengths and opportunities while minimizing risks or managing their weaknesses and issues with the digital transformation. Finally, decision-makers and stakeholders are urged to apply the lessons learned from SWOT analysis and planning to the hospital's role in building a reliable pharmaceutical supply chain. The consequences of this study include integrating potent new technology, revising methods, and redesigning organizational structure in order to alter and modernize a pharmaceutical supply chain operation.
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