Engaging Learning Experience: Enhancing Productivity Software Lessons with Screencast Videos
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The use of screencast videos can improve the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process, whether it is face-to-face or online. Screencast videos are digital resources that capture the computer screen and create an audio-visual experience, and they can be shared online to aid the learning process. It eliminates the need for educators to repeat information multiple times and creates an uninterrupted personalised learning environment for the students. This method of learning gives students a more personalised sense, as if they were given one-on-one guidance from the educator, with students having access to the educator and receiving immediate feedback during the class session. The purpose of this study is to investigate how well students learn when screencast videos are used as instructional materials in lab classes. The report gives the opinions of 34 business programme students regarding their experience learning basic word processing, presentation slides, and spreadsheet creation using screencast recordings. This is a descriptive study with data collected using a Likert scale questionnaire. According to the study's findings, students responded favourably to this technique. Students stated that they can study more effectively and complete their work faster when there is no interruption. They were able to fully concentrate on the videos and effortlessly follow the instructions. When compared to traditional instructor-led lab programmes, the time required to complete the video lessons and supplementary challenge questions was significantly reduced. They also appreciated the educator’s immediate feedback because the educator's time was spent observing them rather than teaching.
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