Hybrid Crow Search and RBFNN: A Novel Approach to Medical Data Classification
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The Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) is frequently employed in artificial neural networks for diverse classification tasks, yet it encounters certain limitations, including issues related to network latency and local minima. To tackle these challenges, researchers have explored various algorithms to enhance learning performance and alleviate local minima problems. This study introduces a novel approach that integrates the Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) with RBFNN to augment the learning process and address the local minima issue associated with RBFNN. The study evaluates the performance of this innovative model by comparing it to state-of-the-art models like Flower-pollination-RBNN (FP-NN), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and the conventional RBFNN. To assess the efficacy of the proposed model, the study employs specific datasets, such as the Breast Cancer and Thyroid Disease datasets from the UCI Machine Repository. The simulation results illustrate that the proposed model surpasses other models in terms of accuracy, exhibiting lower Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) values. Specifically, for the Breast Cancer dataset, the proposed model attains an accuracy of 99.9693%, MSE of 0.000307024, and MAE of 0.00789449. Likewise, for the Thyroid Disease dataset, the proposed model achieves an accuracy of 99.9535%, along with MSE of 0.000464932 and MAE of 0.0057098. For the diabetes dataset, the proposed model demonstrates an accuracy of 98.8073%, MSE of 0.003024, and MAE of 0.009449. In summary, this analysis underscores the enhanced accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed model when compared to traditional approaches.
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