The effects of transformational leadership and change management on civil servants’ motivation: A study at the Regional Secretariat of Sumedang Regency
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This study aimed to analyse the effects of transformational leadership and change management on the motivation of civil servants, with a case study at the Regional Secretariat of Sumedang Regency. This study used quantitative and descriptive-causality analysis methods. The saturated sample of census technique was used, involving 200 civil servants in the Regional Secretariat of Sumedang Regency. It was concluded from this study that the application of transformational leadership in Sumedang Regency went very well. Change management has been very effective and the motivation of civil servants was very high. The implementation of transformational leadership should be prioritised within the Sumedang Regency to further encourage motivation among the state civil servants. The replication and adaptation of transformational leadership and change management must be implemented in all organisations and institutions within the Sumedang Regency, to produce a collective impact on regional progress.
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